Friday, September 22, 2006
Prior to rejoining the tax-paying workforce im off to the outer he-brides to spot he-brides i suppose. the outer hebrides are off the west coast of scotland... and not somewhere tropicalexotic. I have bought an exceedingly spangly camera (canon eos 400d) with which to capture the beautiful scenary in the hebrides... which is quite exciting, and i'll post pictures on flickr if they turn out nice.
tomorrow i'm following in spearsy's footsteps and going to vinopolis for wino tasting in Londres. excellent.
so until i return from the hebrides, over and out out.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Grannie racing
1. Wind up grannies
2. Groo and me racing them
3. Gramps, Pansy and Maurice smiling with the wind up Grannies

Monday, September 11, 2006
Trains, planes and automobiles
been on a train, (fairly unexciting),
been in a small 2 seater plane - where i got to play with the controls like the throttle (go fast), the flaps (changes the wing shape?), the steering wheel (i am certain it is not called a steering wheel - but basically touching it seems to change the direstion of the plane - left, right, up, down - oh so confusing), the peddles (steers the plane on the runway) and the brakes (stops the plane on the runway). Given my love (?) of flying this was fairly scarey... especially when Anthonys flying instructor who was flying the plane suggested doing a very steep bank just so i could see that the plane wouldnt fall out of the sky when that happened... its true the plane didnt fall from the sky but I still felt slightly ill. I noticed that many people in Hertfordshire have swimming pools, which is probably very nice for them. on the matter of swimming pools I also went in a Lido at the weekend, but as a lido is a pool, i dont think swimming can count as a form of transportation.
the last form of transportation was the car. I have decided that motorways are annoying and really even if trains are delayed and over priced at least you can read a book... driving on the motorway (and indeed driving generally) seems to involve a degree of concentration that doesnt allow for reading books... hmm
has anyone been to the outer hebrides? we have booked a holiday there in a couple of weeks... excellent. more flying and driving... but no trains... unless there is some form of miniture scottish railway that i can play on... i'm considering investing in a mid-range digital SLR, anyone with any advise on that too???
im sure other things have been happening... but for now they elude me...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
nothing much to report
I’ve been bad at blogging… and at emailing people too. I feel like I’m busy doing lots of things, its just they’re not really very exciting to report about… unless you count the letter from the doctor which says “… your stool test is free of any parasites…” which means I didn’t actually acquire any evil or otherwise bugs in the bodge.
xox xox xox xox xox