Well it would seem I can only write a blog when in Sierra Leone! Where did the last 6 months go?
Just thought I would paste a few photos of Freetown and the the trip we did yesterday to River Beach # 2 which was so beautiful.
No Helicopter transfer this time, instead we used Pelican Water Taxi. A small speed boat... which not so amusingly (especially as it was 9pm and pitch dark) crashed into a sandbank (how did they not know it was there???) half way between the airport and Aberdeen. The boat rocked around wildly and for a breif moment I was planning my escape route and strategy for keeping my phone dry... however after the driver abandoned ship to push us off the sandbank, and returned to drive the boat onwards in only his underpants all was well! On the whole probably a better experience than the chopper!
Pink boat in front of locked up - out of use 1st aid point (no guns allowed) - Aberdeen(?) Beach

Family Kingdon Hotel has a new statue. A thing of great beauty.

The name of this Ice shop ammused me

River Beach # 2

River Beach # 2