It has been a long time since I blogged... since I was in hot hot Senegal... and it was the World Cup. Probably less said about that the better (being English and all that)... Anyway, lots has happened since then. Here is the evidence.
This year, including our own, we have so far "done" 6 weddings... and the year is not over yet.
With the uni
ladeeees at
Tush's Sandhurst wedding... disaster struck when my wedding gift (which, amongst other things, involved a large quantity of M&S Percy Pigs) was stolen from her sister's car after the wedding. May the nasty robber suffer tooth rot and expensive dental bills.

A rose between... 2 gingers
Pete and Rachel's St Andrews wedding was lovely jublee....

... they even had a birth (almost) AND tourists... amusingly tourists who loudly sang
"here comes the bride" as the Rachel walked into the church... leaving the guests wondering if they had scrimped on "music" and opted for some strange sing a long wedding march....

... with some bubbly in the quad.

... taking a break from the festivities in Boots... where we purchased drinks with "Scottish money"

... we also ate money too...

... and visited
Tescos (that well known St Andrew's tourist
hotspot)... where Mr
Geer became distressed at not being able to buy a bottle of Whiskey at 22.04 (if only he was 4 min earlier all would have been well, think he had to settle for a slab of Cheddar cheese, mature of course).
Hils and I were entertained by the man wearing a kilt in
Tescos, and so arranged to photograph him on the sly... hence
Hils is in the foreground.

After several hours of highly energetic highland dancing we were in charge of taking the flowers home...
Spearsy is looking rather dishevelled at this point.

Before the wedding we dodged Americans on the famous golf course. We couldn't be bothered to queue up and have our photo taken on THE bridge (apparently its famous and Tiger Woods has stood on it and EVERYTHING)... so we took this charming photo of us in front of THE bridge. Magic.

Wedding #6 was in a very
frufru church in Krakow, Poland. It also had tourists. One didn't seem to realise it was a wedding and was ambling down the aisle taking photos of the fancy ceiling as the guests were being entertained by a string quartet and waiting for the bride to walk down the aisle. I think she must have worked it out in the end and cleared off in time!

The wedding also involved a castle with a canon... which was fired before diner.

There were edible place settings - as demonstrated by Mr
... and quite stunning floral table decorations... alas I didn't manage to photograph the food... a 4 course feast, followed by the largest, poshest buffet ever (cold meats, fine fish, cheesy cheese
mmmm), a huge table of cakes and gateaux... and then a BBQ at 11pm. Not knowing too many guests and being in such close proximity to so much food did result in some over eating on my part. Oh yes and I almost forgot... the vodka. Lots of vodka. I made up for the girls who faltered. Their delicate throats not able to cope with icy cold shots. I on the other hand, having been trained in the ways of vodka drinking by Mongols was more than able :O)

After the wedding we went on a "communist tour" and got to stand on this little plastic car outside a HUGE steel works (now owned by the Indians). The little car was slightly scary to be driven around in, given the ease with which I am sure it would disintegrate upon the slightest impact.

MK festival was fun
Strange people in glowing pods playing random music accompanied by fireworks in front of a huge metal tree.

Even stranger hairstyles (we didn't have a go)

Barbie hair-

An inflatable tent which wasn't a bouncy castle... but was very relaxing

Riding weird animals on the "magical
menargie" who would have thought there could be so much culture in MK?

Then there was the visit of only cousin in the whole world - JACK and only auntie in the whole world - Auntie Alison.
For those present at Jack's 1st birthday... he has aged somewhat. He is now 11 and doesn't like to be reminded how CUTE he was... but oh yes he was... such a cute baby!
Perhaps not so cute now?

Took him
Karting. 3 mini space men?

Storming round... and then...

...write off. Fortunately only cousin in the whole world was unharmed and seemed to quite enjoy the whole crash experience... and was soon armed with a new car and went back on the track!

We biked down the canal to
Bletchley and got the train back. A good 13miles...

Red Hot World Buffet does a good line in sweets.

After that we needed to maintain the sugar high by making some quadrupole chocolate ice cream

Traumatising the staff in John Lewis with some not so discrete hat trying on. We were in hysterics and have many many photos of ourselves in various stunning hats! None were purchased... of course! Anthony had disappeared by this point... in extreme embarrassment.

Weather was hot hot. So
mucho ice cream was required. Ant is of course considerably more refined than us
Wooldridge descendants.
Groo's 80
th Birthday Tea at
Fortnum's. Divine. There was a direct correlation between age and consumption. We made sure none was wasted tho and we all took home posh doggy boxes with the left over
yummys. We also had time to
peruse the aisles downstairs in the shop. Somehow resisted that £1,000 bottle of champers. Crazy prices!

He just loves hugs

Ant took to hairstyling. The Mohawk was a big sucess!

After all that excitement we did a "car boot" sale (behind Super Sausage). We made £140 profit... selling our unwanted tat to a range of customers: the ghanans who were buying up shoes for £5 a pair to sell in Acra (I have no idea where the profit in that is), the serial tat collectors (often overweight), the serial car booters (already been to one at the MK bowl first thing in the morning) etc etc.

That's all for now xxx