Today we went on an outing to Yangon Zoo. This zoo is something of a dream for small children, but perhaps more of a nightmare for animal welfare types.
It was all rather wet. Monsoon is here. First up – hippos. We had heard that a small child had been killed by these hippos… and after seeing their enclosure it wasn’t hard to see how easy it would be for that to happen. We enjoyed watching the monks watching the hippos, and Ant enjoyed feeding the hippos some green stuff… bought from the hippo food selling man next to their enclosure.

Next up it was the Asiatic black bears with their amazing furry heads. Rather sad in their concrete cages… especially when tormented by umbrella wielding Brits.

It was feeding time at the lions. Big metal bowls of meat were brought round in trucks. The animals knew the food was coming and were suitably growly. The zoo keeper thought it would be fun to stroke one of the lionesses through the bars. This seemed to me rather foolish (especially with all the growling going on).

Then onwards to the King Edward VII Carnivora House, built in 1915. I am sure that one day this will be turned into a boutique hotel. The zoo is in lush tropical gardens in central Yangon. Prime real estate. Anyway, the tigers were beautiful, and we were so close to them… but they really were so sad pacing up and down their concrete cages.

Finally, our favourite, elephants! Sadly on very short chains. More feeding was in order. This time bamboo. Ele seemed to enjoy a trunk scratch… and an attempt at eating my umbrella.

One ele tried to reach out for nature… but alas no… poor sad elephant in his concrete cage on his short metal chain. Green trees are just out of reach.

Finished up with a cup of hot chocolate and a banana muffin served on a slab of teak at a new coffee house in town. Yum.