I have arrived on the mountain of Tambourines and all is well.
cousin Jack is tall and goes to school and can read books and has a penknief! He is most grown up... but still entertaining!
I am trying to stop myself taking my shoes off before entering buildings, enjoying the tap water, trying not to be too distressed at the cost of everything... loving the total peace and tranquility there is in this place - no more building noises at 5 in the morning... no more crazy traffic... just the smell of trees and the noise of birds...
oh and its cold... i swear there was frost on the ground this morning... but apparently its only dew... oh I just love snuggling under 2 duvets and a blanket mmmm
more excitingly I bought the Guardian weekly today... the guardian... how i missed it... at last we are reunited in paper form, the internet just isnt quite the same.
by the way is britney spears pregnant again?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
gone... singapore
well i have made it to singapore quite nicely... aside from sitting across the isle from a vomiting woman and next to a very sweet, but slightly trying (if it had been a long haul flight) man called Kok (pronounced Coke)... I think he had a learning difficaulty (not sure if that is PC way to say it) and possibly something else as he seemed to be frothing at the mouth! Anyway we had a very long conversation, which started with him asking me if i was sleeping - my eyes were closed... he told me about Toys R Us (he loved the place), Barbara Streisand (he hadnt heard her music but knew she was a singer) about how he had completed an adult education course... about living in Cambodia for 4 months where his relatives had sent him to work on the farm but as he had lived in the US all his life this was a shock... about food... about how he thought singaporiajn women looked nice.. about the lack of toothpaste on the plane... it went on and on... but he was well meaning!
so now have been enjoying singapore airport which is lovely.. free foot massage machines... subway sandwhiches, a sunflower garden (which if you got rid of the smokers) was the perfect place to laze in the sun and watch the planes take off.. lots of shops to look at... actually i think a combination of being tierd and sad at leaving the bodge and being in transit makes me feel slightly bamboozeled by al, of the gliter, and shiny products and organisedness of it all. PP was nice, but chaotic. so reverse culture shock or something... im glad i have my mp3 player...
oh yes.. the luggage... by the time i got to the airport my checked bagage was 10kg over and hand luggae was about 20kg (all 3 pieces of it).. managed to get away with the handluggage and negotiated with them to only pay 50% of the excess cost they wanted to whack me for... which was about 25 squids so not too tragic...
half the luggage is left here in left luggae now, so i should be ok to and from ausland... its just the flight to londres!
ok must run think theyre calling my flight..
so now have been enjoying singapore airport which is lovely.. free foot massage machines... subway sandwhiches, a sunflower garden (which if you got rid of the smokers) was the perfect place to laze in the sun and watch the planes take off.. lots of shops to look at... actually i think a combination of being tierd and sad at leaving the bodge and being in transit makes me feel slightly bamboozeled by al, of the gliter, and shiny products and organisedness of it all. PP was nice, but chaotic. so reverse culture shock or something... im glad i have my mp3 player...
oh yes.. the luggage... by the time i got to the airport my checked bagage was 10kg over and hand luggae was about 20kg (all 3 pieces of it).. managed to get away with the handluggage and negotiated with them to only pay 50% of the excess cost they wanted to whack me for... which was about 25 squids so not too tragic...
half the luggage is left here in left luggae now, so i should be ok to and from ausland... its just the flight to londres!
ok must run think theyre calling my flight..
going going...
1 hour till the taxi comes to take me to the airport... considering its not yet 9am I have been very busy.. final packing... cycling round town to take photos.. feeding my friends kitten... eating musli and yoghurt at the traiditional pre-flight cafe - ive eaten musli at the same place before Anthony, Clari and Dad left... oh how i love routene?!
All that is left is for me to convince the check in staff that 15kg of hand luggage and 8kg over on my checked baggage allowance is perfectly ok and that i should not, under any circumstances be charged excess... ho hum
actually I packed in a rush last night and I have a feeling I may be wandering round australia half naked as hardly anything would fit in the backpack for aus apart from the vast volumes of gifts... the other heavier backpack will have to stay in Singapore left luggage as I have even less luggage allowwance for the Aus part of my flights
last day at work yesterday was really sad... oh my team are so lovely... I shall miss them muchly... now must dash and put on my sweater and jacket... hmm thats a good point I wont be running round Aus half naked as i'm wearing more clothes than I've worn in 6 months... who needs a sauna thats what I say...
over and out

1 hour till the taxi comes to take me to the airport... considering its not yet 9am I have been very busy.. final packing... cycling round town to take photos.. feeding my friends kitten... eating musli and yoghurt at the traiditional pre-flight cafe - ive eaten musli at the same place before Anthony, Clari and Dad left... oh how i love routene?!
All that is left is for me to convince the check in staff that 15kg of hand luggage and 8kg over on my checked baggage allowance is perfectly ok and that i should not, under any circumstances be charged excess... ho hum
actually I packed in a rush last night and I have a feeling I may be wandering round australia half naked as hardly anything would fit in the backpack for aus apart from the vast volumes of gifts... the other heavier backpack will have to stay in Singapore left luggage as I have even less luggage allowwance for the Aus part of my flights
last day at work yesterday was really sad... oh my team are so lovely... I shall miss them muchly... now must dash and put on my sweater and jacket... hmm thats a good point I wont be running round Aus half naked as i'm wearing more clothes than I've worn in 6 months... who needs a sauna thats what I say...
over and out

Sunday, July 23, 2006
tick tock
goes the time
it is dawning on me that i am leaving in about 36hours. I dont like to think about these things too much, or I get sad... best to stay in denial as long as possible.
This weekend has been lovely... spent Saturday on a mountain with beautiful lakes and waterfalls, having a BBQ with my team from work, and then today at the zoo with some friends. At the zoo i saw tigers and monkeys and otters and sun bears and crocodiles and other random animals... the enclosures are not really too bad, and the setting is lovely, with lots of trees. BUT you can get right next to the cages and despite signs telling you not to feed the animals it was possible to touch, stroke and feed all of the animals... in fact it was possible to buy a coconut from some kids hanging around and then they would throw the coconut into the bears cage and assuming it didnt knock the bear out you could watch it eat it... i'm not sure thats such a good thing!
so i am feeling sad about going. I thought because I was only here 6 months, and living somewhere that is more guest house than home, that I wouldnt let the Bodge get to me like Mongoland... cant be doing with pining for years over more countries... but you know I will miss so many lovely people - really I have the best team at work ever... the warm weather, the mentalist traffic, the chaos, the massages, the riding on the back of a motobike, the cheapness of everything, the yummy yummy food (I can see rice withdrawal being an issue)... the bike rides...
Tomorrow is the last day at work... which will be the sadest thing to leave i thinks... but i shall look forward to seeing the aussies... that should distract me... that and my fear of flying...
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk 4 planes in the next 2.5 weeks sounds nasty to me
must dash... and pack possibley???
goes the time
it is dawning on me that i am leaving in about 36hours. I dont like to think about these things too much, or I get sad... best to stay in denial as long as possible.
This weekend has been lovely... spent Saturday on a mountain with beautiful lakes and waterfalls, having a BBQ with my team from work, and then today at the zoo with some friends. At the zoo i saw tigers and monkeys and otters and sun bears and crocodiles and other random animals... the enclosures are not really too bad, and the setting is lovely, with lots of trees. BUT you can get right next to the cages and despite signs telling you not to feed the animals it was possible to touch, stroke and feed all of the animals... in fact it was possible to buy a coconut from some kids hanging around and then they would throw the coconut into the bears cage and assuming it didnt knock the bear out you could watch it eat it... i'm not sure thats such a good thing!
so i am feeling sad about going. I thought because I was only here 6 months, and living somewhere that is more guest house than home, that I wouldnt let the Bodge get to me like Mongoland... cant be doing with pining for years over more countries... but you know I will miss so many lovely people - really I have the best team at work ever... the warm weather, the mentalist traffic, the chaos, the massages, the riding on the back of a motobike, the cheapness of everything, the yummy yummy food (I can see rice withdrawal being an issue)... the bike rides...
Tomorrow is the last day at work... which will be the sadest thing to leave i thinks... but i shall look forward to seeing the aussies... that should distract me... that and my fear of flying...
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk 4 planes in the next 2.5 weeks sounds nasty to me
must dash... and pack possibley???
Thursday, July 20, 2006
more photos
just uploaded some more photos onto flickr just random round and about the place ones... also trying to add some of my better ankor ones as i think the ones up now arent the best!
The following story in the news here entertained me. My friend that works at USAID verified that it was absolutely correct!
The US Embassy in Cambodia mistakenly received a shipment of 140,000 bullets instead of the delivery of artworks it had ordered to decorate its new USAID offices.
The mix up was apparently caused by Thai Airways, which mislabelled the cargo… apparently the bullets were supposed to be going to Finland (why?… perhaps for moose shooting?)… anyways the bullets weren’t actually anything to do with the US government but they got them all the same.
Of course this event generated much comedy comment about bullets as art in testimony to the great Bush etc etc
Other amusements has been todays rain… cycling home and the water nearly covered my wheels. This wasn’t a problem in itself, however whenever a bally Lexus (I think perhaps I have issues with these machines) drove past the wake made me wobble… but I did not fall off. hoorah

The US Embassy in Cambodia mistakenly received a shipment of 140,000 bullets instead of the delivery of artworks it had ordered to decorate its new USAID offices.
The mix up was apparently caused by Thai Airways, which mislabelled the cargo… apparently the bullets were supposed to be going to Finland (why?… perhaps for moose shooting?)… anyways the bullets weren’t actually anything to do with the US government but they got them all the same.
Of course this event generated much comedy comment about bullets as art in testimony to the great Bush etc etc
Other amusements has been todays rain… cycling home and the water nearly covered my wheels. This wasn’t a problem in itself, however whenever a bally Lexus (I think perhaps I have issues with these machines) drove past the wake made me wobble… but I did not fall off. hoorah

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
bally corruption
This shall be a rant about the bally corruption that occurs at all levels in this country… Last week I went to the post office and there was a bit of a debacle when they tried to overcharge me lots and I made them re-weigh the envelope with the scales on the counter so that I could see exactly how much less than they claimed, the envelope really weighed (standard practice is the scales are under the counter)… anyways today I went to the post office again and after they told me some crazy price for a couple of large envelopes I again insisted they showed me the scales. Absolutely not, the bally woman refused and just turned her back on me when I tried to push the issue (Asian non-confrontation?)… Can you imagine if this sort of thing happened at home grrr… I really wished I spoke kick ass Khmer and then I would have let rip properly… so I just grabbed my post and stormed out… and was mad for a couple of minutes… but its hard to stay mad… I’m sure like every other public sector employee they’re woefully underpaid, and ripping off people over the price of their stamps is a means of survival… perhaps I would feel better if I scratched up a couple of Lexus and Mercedes owned by high ranking government officials?
Ok perhaps not… aside from not really being criminally minded, the prospect of extending my stay here… in a Cambodian prison is not a particularly thrilling one…
Ok perhaps not… aside from not really being criminally minded, the prospect of extending my stay here… in a Cambodian prison is not a particularly thrilling one…
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Dentist 2
Sooo i decided not to go for an appointment with the unqualified dentist. after asking around i heard of a Khmer dentist that had been trainned by german missionaries so thought i would give that a go... in the interests of saving fast quantities of cash...
i toodled in to a little dentist place which was considerably less glamourous than the place i went to last weekend. no appointment needed and i was shown out the back where there was a row of dentist chairs with low screens dividing it up. I was glad it was empty... hearing the screams of the next paitient might have been disconcerting.
So i told the very sweet english speaking dentist that i thought i needed a filling. he examined my teeth and said they were amazing. no fillings needed... they looked very strong yadda yadda. Not sure which 'dentist' was correct but i figure it would be in his interest to tell me i did need fillings cos then he could charge me lots of money, so im inclined to think i dont need fillings. I opted for a scale and polish (after asertaining all equipment was sterilised)... and he did a great job. much time was lavished on my little teeth, much better than bally england where dentists exist to extract vast volumes of cash from you for doing very little... Half way through the procedure, whilst i was rinsing my mouth i mentioned my wisdom teeth had been aching. ''oh'', said the dentist man, ''let me me help you''. He then proceeded to massage my jaws intermitedly whilst polishing my teeth. Very sureal especially as i felt his face was rather too close to mine durring this procedure. Anyways i escaped unscathed and unmarried and for $8 (they gave me $2 discount for some inexplicable reason) i was happy doo da...
other events this weekend have been cycling around the countryside, which is starting to look very lush and green... spending much money in the markets, and sorting sorting sorting out my junk and getting ready to fly fly fly high in the sky to australia. where i shall watch people stop at traffic lights, drink water from a tap, drink fresh milk and most excitingly go to a cheese factory near to where my auntie lives... mmmmmm think of all that cheese... yumyumyum so 1 week and 1 dayo left in the country. Time flies when youre having fun...
much love
me xxxx
i toodled in to a little dentist place which was considerably less glamourous than the place i went to last weekend. no appointment needed and i was shown out the back where there was a row of dentist chairs with low screens dividing it up. I was glad it was empty... hearing the screams of the next paitient might have been disconcerting.
So i told the very sweet english speaking dentist that i thought i needed a filling. he examined my teeth and said they were amazing. no fillings needed... they looked very strong yadda yadda. Not sure which 'dentist' was correct but i figure it would be in his interest to tell me i did need fillings cos then he could charge me lots of money, so im inclined to think i dont need fillings. I opted for a scale and polish (after asertaining all equipment was sterilised)... and he did a great job. much time was lavished on my little teeth, much better than bally england where dentists exist to extract vast volumes of cash from you for doing very little... Half way through the procedure, whilst i was rinsing my mouth i mentioned my wisdom teeth had been aching. ''oh'', said the dentist man, ''let me me help you''. He then proceeded to massage my jaws intermitedly whilst polishing my teeth. Very sureal especially as i felt his face was rather too close to mine durring this procedure. Anyways i escaped unscathed and unmarried and for $8 (they gave me $2 discount for some inexplicable reason) i was happy doo da...
other events this weekend have been cycling around the countryside, which is starting to look very lush and green... spending much money in the markets, and sorting sorting sorting out my junk and getting ready to fly fly fly high in the sky to australia. where i shall watch people stop at traffic lights, drink water from a tap, drink fresh milk and most excitingly go to a cheese factory near to where my auntie lives... mmmmmm think of all that cheese... yumyumyum so 1 week and 1 dayo left in the country. Time flies when youre having fun...
much love
me xxxx
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Today I decided to go to see the dentist, not because I have toothache, just because I havnt been to a dentist for 2 years and I thought it had to be cheaper here than at home. There is a very posh shiny new clean looking place near to where I swim so I thought id give it a try – no appointment necessary. The check up was free, which was surprising. They showed me in a mirror that 2 of my teeth have smallsmall holes in which it might be wise to fill. I’m not particularly surprised given the number of biscuits I have eaten in the 2 years since I last saw a dentist. So the question is do I have them filled in the bodge? Or do I wait till I come home? It will cost less than $US20 to do them both, with a composite filling. Apparently I could have mercury fillings if I wanted hahahaha… I was thinking I would go for it, but decided to just check with the ‘dentist’ that he was qualified. I felt embarrassed asking, but he laughed at me and said that oh no he wasn’t trained, he was doctor who had just been playing dentists for the last 10 years… hmmm so at this point I decided to leave and ponder the wisest move. I’m inclined to just get them filled but I don’t want to end up poisoned or with no teeth…
Ed – my cheapskate mentor what would you do? Would you get them done here to save some $$$?
Ed – my cheapskate mentor what would you do? Would you get them done here to save some $$$?
Saturday, July 08, 2006
A perm!!!!
This last week seems to have sped by and im steaming towards the end of my time here… pondering constantly how im going to make my luggage = 30kg. As per usual I’ve accumulated many things.
So I’m leaving here in less than 3 weeks, and I’ve now got tickets sorted to go to Aus on the way home to see my auntie and uncle and the wonderful jackjack… who is now 7 years of age which is a shocking fact really. Then I should be back in englandos on the 11th August… and I believe Nadj is collecting me from the airport in a pink limousine with pink polar bear fur seats… so we can celebrate her birthday in style. Helicopters were also mentioned.
What next is unknownunknown… but I don’t think I will be unemployed… the question is more where I shall be employed. Ho hum didlium
So yes I thought I should write about my perm. I have been ruminating over whether to have one for some time… seems like such a comedy thing to do… so I went with my friend to the salon… all very nice. Many Lexus’ parked outside = indication that people of wealth used the establishment… however we got board of waiting so went somewhere else, which was probably nicer, albeit there were no cars parked outside.
Now I am a hairdresser novice. I was trying to count how many times I have been to a hairdresser in my life and it is honestly less than 7… I thought with a perm they might just rub some stuff in your hair and leave it to dry and that would be it… but apparently not. It was a 3 hour process involving a long hairwash… a hair cut… many pink curlers wrapped in my hair (see photo), much chemicals applied and then sitting around whilst it set and then another hair rinse, and then mousing… phew… the results are also depicted in the photo. I am not totally convinced, but it still isn’t dry yet… I also think putting bally mouse in my hair every 3 days will be a pain in the ass bone… and I cant believe it will last 6-12 months… surely not?! Also I think that a bit of my hair at the front isn’t permed properly and it looks odd so I might have to venture back there tomorrow and get them to fix it… anyways it cost US$20.. which apparently is expensive… but seemed like a bargain for me given it was 3hrs of 2 peoples time… now I am under strict instructions not to wash my hair for 3 days. YUK.

Also this week I met up with Gilb who was passing through on his south east asian tour. Was very nicenice to catch up and meet some of his travelling friends… made a change from expats and Khmers…
So I’m leaving here in less than 3 weeks, and I’ve now got tickets sorted to go to Aus on the way home to see my auntie and uncle and the wonderful jackjack… who is now 7 years of age which is a shocking fact really. Then I should be back in englandos on the 11th August… and I believe Nadj is collecting me from the airport in a pink limousine with pink polar bear fur seats… so we can celebrate her birthday in style. Helicopters were also mentioned.
What next is unknownunknown… but I don’t think I will be unemployed… the question is more where I shall be employed. Ho hum didlium
So yes I thought I should write about my perm. I have been ruminating over whether to have one for some time… seems like such a comedy thing to do… so I went with my friend to the salon… all very nice. Many Lexus’ parked outside = indication that people of wealth used the establishment… however we got board of waiting so went somewhere else, which was probably nicer, albeit there were no cars parked outside.
Now I am a hairdresser novice. I was trying to count how many times I have been to a hairdresser in my life and it is honestly less than 7… I thought with a perm they might just rub some stuff in your hair and leave it to dry and that would be it… but apparently not. It was a 3 hour process involving a long hairwash… a hair cut… many pink curlers wrapped in my hair (see photo), much chemicals applied and then sitting around whilst it set and then another hair rinse, and then mousing… phew… the results are also depicted in the photo. I am not totally convinced, but it still isn’t dry yet… I also think putting bally mouse in my hair every 3 days will be a pain in the ass bone… and I cant believe it will last 6-12 months… surely not?! Also I think that a bit of my hair at the front isn’t permed properly and it looks odd so I might have to venture back there tomorrow and get them to fix it… anyways it cost US$20.. which apparently is expensive… but seemed like a bargain for me given it was 3hrs of 2 peoples time… now I am under strict instructions not to wash my hair for 3 days. YUK.

Also this week I met up with Gilb who was passing through on his south east asian tour. Was very nicenice to catch up and meet some of his travelling friends… made a change from expats and Khmers…

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Today I went to the chemist to buy some paracetamol. It was a surprisingly exciting trip. The shop smelt like I remember the vets smelling when we used to take our cats there when I was little. The shelves were stacked chocablock wall to ceiling with boxes and jars and sachets of potions.
I decided to do a little experiment and see what prescription drugs I could get over the counter. I can only conclude that really you can get whatever you want really… no hassles… what is more scary is that many of the drugs do not come in a packet and therefore have absolutely NO instructions, warnings etc… although you could argue many Cambodians wouldn’t be able to read instructions in English anyway. I have heard so many stories of the inadequate medical system here where people are prescribed the wrong drugs, conflicting drugs etc etc… people are undiagnosed, wrongly diagnosed etc… one of my friends was told she could only see the scan she had had done if she signed up for an operation (which she didn’t need)! These are the lucky people… the people who can afford drugs and health care. Most people cant.
Anyways back to the drug store (oh how American is that?)… I was actually thinking that despite the obvious draw backs and potential for serious serious disaster of an unregulated pharmaceutical market, there could be some positives, especially with the volume of information on the internet. For example it is possible to establish which drugs are licensed in the UK, and what they’re licensed for, it is possible to find out from both drugs companies, and users of drugs what are the benefits and negative side effects of different drugs, and of course there are many reputable self diagnostic sites. Sooo for people who are reasonably literate and sensible, one could by pass the need for a doctor for simple ailments or repeat prescriptions, which could be useful for those who cant access a doctor or cant afford doctors fees…
In balance tho, I think we are extremely fortunate and protected by the fact that we do have a regulated pharmaceutical market in the UK… however whilst im here… any orders for drugs ;o)
I decided to do a little experiment and see what prescription drugs I could get over the counter. I can only conclude that really you can get whatever you want really… no hassles… what is more scary is that many of the drugs do not come in a packet and therefore have absolutely NO instructions, warnings etc… although you could argue many Cambodians wouldn’t be able to read instructions in English anyway. I have heard so many stories of the inadequate medical system here where people are prescribed the wrong drugs, conflicting drugs etc etc… people are undiagnosed, wrongly diagnosed etc… one of my friends was told she could only see the scan she had had done if she signed up for an operation (which she didn’t need)! These are the lucky people… the people who can afford drugs and health care. Most people cant.
Anyways back to the drug store (oh how American is that?)… I was actually thinking that despite the obvious draw backs and potential for serious serious disaster of an unregulated pharmaceutical market, there could be some positives, especially with the volume of information on the internet. For example it is possible to establish which drugs are licensed in the UK, and what they’re licensed for, it is possible to find out from both drugs companies, and users of drugs what are the benefits and negative side effects of different drugs, and of course there are many reputable self diagnostic sites. Sooo for people who are reasonably literate and sensible, one could by pass the need for a doctor for simple ailments or repeat prescriptions, which could be useful for those who cant access a doctor or cant afford doctors fees…
In balance tho, I think we are extremely fortunate and protected by the fact that we do have a regulated pharmaceutical market in the UK… however whilst im here… any orders for drugs ;o)
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