So I’m leaving here in less than 3 weeks, and I’ve now got tickets sorted to go to Aus on the way home to see my auntie and uncle and the wonderful jackjack… who is now 7 years of age which is a shocking fact really. Then I should be back in englandos on the 11th August… and I believe Nadj is collecting me from the airport in a pink limousine with pink polar bear fur seats… so we can celebrate her birthday in style. Helicopters were also mentioned.
What next is unknownunknown… but I don’t think I will be unemployed… the question is more where I shall be employed. Ho hum didlium
So yes I thought I should write about my perm. I have been ruminating over whether to have one for some time… seems like such a comedy thing to do… so I went with my friend to the salon… all very nice. Many Lexus’ parked outside = indication that people of wealth used the establishment… however we got board of waiting so went somewhere else, which was probably nicer, albeit there were no cars parked outside.
Now I am a hairdresser novice. I was trying to count how many times I have been to a hairdresser in my life and it is honestly less than 7… I thought with a perm they might just rub some stuff in your hair and leave it to dry and that would be it… but apparently not. It was a 3 hour process involving a long hairwash… a hair cut… many pink curlers wrapped in my hair (see photo), much chemicals applied and then sitting around whilst it set and then another hair rinse, and then mousing… phew… the results are also depicted in the photo. I am not totally convinced, but it still isn’t dry yet… I also think putting bally mouse in my hair every 3 days will be a pain in the ass bone… and I cant believe it will last 6-12 months… surely not?! Also I think that a bit of my hair at the front isn’t permed properly and it looks odd so I might have to venture back there tomorrow and get them to fix it… anyways it cost US$20.. which apparently is expensive… but seemed like a bargain for me given it was 3hrs of 2 peoples time… now I am under strict instructions not to wash my hair for 3 days. YUK.

Also this week I met up with Gilb who was passing through on his south east asian tour. Was very nicenice to catch up and meet some of his travelling friends… made a change from expats and Khmers…

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