Yesterday we were up at the orphanage again. It was Ruth, the 'house mother's birthday and she has been/ is still really quite ill after loosing a baby at 7months pregnant, so we decided to make a cake for her and lots of small chocolate cup cakes for the children to decorate. It was soooo exciting! We managed to find (possibly) the only shop in Nepal that sells coloured sprinkles... and we also found SMARTIES (genuine ones) and gumi bears and we made up a load of different coloured icing... the rest we left to the kids. They seemed to have fun, and really were incredibly good. I would have thought there was potential for total chaos with 20 kids all trying to decorate cakes at the same time, and those not occupied trying to eat all the sugary sweeties in bowls etc. But no, they all waited their turn, the older ones helped the smaller ones and no one tried to sneak extra smarties from the bowls on the tables, and they even asked if they could eat the cakes! They are great children, and the better they know us the more fun it is!

Sarah corrupts the baby... yes babies should always eat chocolate cake... Actually this baby probably should won gannet of the year award. She eats EVERYTHING it seems!

These 3 boys probably got into the whole cake decorating thing the most. When they realised we had made a cake for their 'mum' they insisted they decorate it with 'for mummy' written on it (in English - these 3 are good at English), and use all the remaining sweets and things to make it look nice for her. They were very pleased with themselves, and it was rather touching really...