After reading my last blog it was brought to my attention by my mother and Clari that Clari isn't actually my 2nd cousin once removed, but actually my 2nd cousin - pure no removeds about it... wikipedia the source of all knowledge provided me with a handy diagram that illustrates this clearly. As a result I deduced that I have a small family comprised of:
- 1 first Cousin (the most fabulous JackJack),
- 5 first cousins once removed, (+ possibly 2 more random geordie cousins of my dad),
- 10 second cousins, (+ however many children the random geordie cousins of my dad have),
- 7 second cousins once removed, (+ however many grandchildren the random geordie cousins of my dad have).
As for the rest... first cousins twice removed, third cousins... third cousins twice removed I have not the foggiest.

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