More progress! Doors are now in... and some insulation.. and some plasterboard. We are still pondering kitchens (wooden work surfaces or laminate - apparently, according to the Geer, as I am so clumsy I probably can't be trusted with expensive wooden surfaces so laminate may be the best... but mmm well wood does look very very nice), ovens (to rangemaster or not to rangemaster)... flooring... lighting... boilers (to take advantage of boiler scrapage scheme or not)... argh. My mind is like a DIY/Kitchen shop. I think we were supposed to decide a lot of this, this weekend, but we haven't really got that far!
Its broken recycled-ness seems to fit in at the allotment where any thing that can be used in any way, is. Our "shed" (The Ginger Villa) is made of old doors... and our "water butt" is made of an old water tank. Our neighbour has a scarecrow made of bits of old bike... and a water harvesting device which includes a TV remote (random) and a long long sheet of salvaged corrugated iron.
Hils and I say goodbye to the lovely Richardson's as they move to the Solomon Islands... very very far far away :o(
... but we do look forward to updates from the beach...
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