- It is 49m tall, making it the largest statue in the world outside Asia and the former Soviet Union.
- It was built by the North Koreans (random... more on that below).
- It cost over $27 million (USD)... one could very well question why money is being spent on this when there are malnourished munchkins and people dying of malaria... but I suppose that question can be asked of all governments. UK included (we don't have malaria... but there are hungry kids).
- It is located on top one of the twin hills in Dakar known as Collines Des Mamelles (or Hills of Breasts as they would be referred to in English).
As you can see it really is quite something.
Just in case we needed proof that the North Koreans were involved... we actually met one. This was SO exciting. We saw some Asian types operating a large crane and cleaning/ painting the statue. Hilary the brave/ mad went and spoke to one of them. He seemed not to really speak English but did confirm he was from Pyongyang. It was SO exciting we just had to take photographs to prove our 1st meeting with a real life North Korean. It would be interesting to know what he makes of Senegal... and the big statue... and the breast like hills... and whether he still loves the dear and great leaders... and whether he would rather North Korea or Senegal... oh the questions...
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