Wednesday, July 31, 2013


This weekend we did the hash. A nice little outing to the countryside was had, although I remain to be convinced by the strange hash rituals at the end of each run/ walk!

Using buffalo to plough the beautiful green rice fields.

Strange white people walking through the village cause a bit of a stir. Especially when there was a bleeding leech wound to observe (not mine) and to try and assist by washing it down with  dirty pond water.

It was filthy dirty. The beard and his mud splattered legs can be seen in the distance. We did the walk but I have no idea how the runners managed to stay upright!

Cleaning off at the end with a celebratory rum and sprite.

1 comment:

Water Plants said...

Its so odd to see elephants waling around in a diffrent country! The pictures were worth more than a thousand words.