Monday, May 26, 2014

Random in Yangon

Some random things from the last month or so…

1. On my way back from the UK, I popped into Boots at Heathrow Airport, and saw this amazing product. Yep, for 4.39 you too can buy "hot weather Refreshing spray” (best for sensitive skin) or “hot weather cooling spray” (no skin sensitivity required). Water in a canister. Amazing stuff. As April/ May is pretty sweaty in Yangon I obviously stocked up.


2. In contrast to the best of my knowledge Yangon Airport doesn’t sell any spray of any variety, but it was all decked out in Thingyan flowers and a nice cardboard cut out of a bit of water festival splashing fun. Strangely Ant requested I take this photo. Not a normal occurrence.


3. A nice glass of white wine and a royal themed game of Banagrams at the British Club. Still no ale. Poor Ant.


4. The golden wonder. Never get tired of it.


5. City Mart Randomness # 1: Christmas chocolates and Valentines day chocolates on sale in April and May. No sign of Easter chocolates. Yet. Perhaps they will come in, in August?

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6. City Mart randomness # 2: Mother’s day specials. Washing powder, washing up liquid, cooking oil, and Ovaltine and Milo powder. What more could any mother want?


7. Pepsi do Myanmar. Love the Myanmar script. Even if it is totally unintelligible to me.


8. Red Link Internet Service Provider. Ridiculously expensive. Dire service. Scary in store marketing.


9. Mini monks and nuns in downtown Yangon. Not really random… more of an every day sighting…

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10.1 Moldy and Ant get up close with the hippos… they really could have touched them if they felt stupid enough…

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10.2 Moldy and Ant continue their animal love in with the elies…


11. Moldy almost trains Telfy in the ways of the elastic face.


12. The right hand/ second photo is a zoom in of the left hand/ first photo. Yes that man has + 1 inch long hair growing out of his ears. AMAZING.

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13. Attending the wedding of the daughter of the security guard from our apartment. We were honoured guests, and enjoyed ice-cream, luminous green jelly cake and wedding favours of a single cigarette (for the men) and a scented tissue (for the ladies). The tissue was in fact very handy as it was an exceedingly sweaty occasion… why Ant decided to wear a jacket is in fact a mystery.

On reflection I have to admit that the bride does look slightly disgruntled… perhaps it was a little distressing to have ones wedding crashed by a couple of whities who were more in demand for group photos than her good self.


Random update over.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post and very good photos i like it
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