Monday, March 06, 2006

Hash... no not that sort

The last 2 Sunday afternoons I have spent running (or perhaps that should say ‘attempting to run’) around the Cambodian countryside with a bizarre bunch of expats, Cambodians and children, in what is known as Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers (P2H3). The ‘hash’ is an international running club, I’m pretty sure there was one in UB, and apparently there are several in London… it seems to me to be a weird combination of a family trip to the countryside and a men’s drinking club - at the end there are various songs and downings of your choice of water or beer for crimes such as wearing new shoes or getting lost on the run or anything else deserving of a drink… the run (or walk if you prefer) follows a trail of paint or flour set by a ‘hare’ (I told you it was weird) and there are false trails and sometimes you cant see the trail at all… generally that is the case for me and I just try and follow people and not get lost or abandoned in a rice field… I really don’t know what the Cambodian villagers think of all these people in shorts running through their village/temple/rice field, possibly they think we are absolutely mad… something I would probably agree with them given temperatures of over 30degrees C… anyways its pretty fun, and its good to meet some different people and actually leave the city and do some exercise in beautiful lovely (hot) Cambodge… next week I might take my camera…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also the Hasher in Phnom Penh. Our P2H3 is a family run and walk.
I hope you had a good time with us.