I was reading in the weekend newspaper a while back about ASBOs (Anti Social Behaviour Orders) in the UK. I would like to use my blog to recommend that the people in my street who decided to get married today be issued with one… I’m very happy for people to get married… but why do they need to use a very loud, loud speaker to blast the affair to the whole street (and beyond)… and why do they need to start at 5am and continue all day? And why do they need to walk up and down the street clashing tin cymbals when I am trying to sleep???? Even my trusty ear plugs could not drown the sound… I suppose the answer is a cultural difference, I don’t think people would tolerate it back home, but here everyone was happily out watching… attached should be a photo of the procession of the grooms family bringing gifts of food etc for the bride… (un)fortunately the photo doesn’t give any idea of the racket they were creating. grr grr and much gnashing of teeth...

Wedding procession... taken from my lovely balcony
1 comment:
Eh up Telf,
trust you to find an organge looking house!, looks really nice.
Read the running stuff as well, with all the drinking are you sure you havent joined some kind of rugby club?
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