Saturday, January 04, 2014

2013 continued…


Hils came to visit, and (on a little publicised trip) so did much of the British Royal Family. Queenie turned out to be very handy whipping up dinner for us all, and the whole family was a big hit with Myanmar people who were very keen to pose for photos.


Hearing Aung San Su Kyii speak at the Yangon Literary Festival was also a highlight.



A trip to central Myanmar, and the beautiful temples of Bagan

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Post from friends – royal loo roll no less (sadly the queen had left by this point)… and a rack of beef – a proper roast dinner




We both had (separate) trips to Europe. Ant fitted in a mini train trip and golf with Spearsy and Misty in between studies.


I had a flying tour of 3 countries… the first day of Spring in Amsterdam with the Nadj… canals, cakes, mint tea and diamond shops… then to the smurfs in Brussels. Wearing shoes made a change.

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Then onto the UK for family, friends and craziness with mini people… I am Mike the Knight.




John-the-Cat came to stay many times in 2013. A break for his parents from his savage jaws and sharp teeth. When he is not biting he is pretty cute, and somewhat parrot like.




June was time on the beach and cycling around rice paddies in Cambodia. We ate a lot of delicious crab covered in Kampot pepper – in Kep – home of the giant crab.

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